Fear…… Did you know that it says “Do not fear” 365 times in the Bible? That’s once for every day of the year. There was a time when fear ruled me. It determined every step I took, every move I made. I would think to myself, “They’ll never like you, understand you, believe you, want you, if they knew where you’ve really been”. Since then, I’ve come a long way. I’ve realized that the truth of it all is that no matter what I do, all of the above will still be true for some people. They’ll never like me, understand me, believe me, want me, they’ll only ever judge me & that’s okay. It can be both a blessing and curse to live in a small town, or two small towns right next to each other in my case. Every one “knows” everyone, which is one of my favorite things, except well, everyone knows everyone… (*sigh) BUT, the one true judge that I care about, other than my inner circle who don’t know it all, is my Heavenly Father & He has known my story even before I knew it myself, & He still thought the world needed me in it. That’s pretty humbling when you think about it, so much so that I’m finally stepping out in my faith enough to share it all, in the hopes that it can touch even one person who needs to hear it, one person who can relate, one person who needs to see that they too have a story of redemption. Because it’s true, we were all created by the same Maker. The One who thought the world needed each one of us in it. So buckle up, those who love me & those who don’t, maybe that’ll change either way if you decide to follow me & I hope you will!!
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